I read this partly because of [b:Julie Julia|13747|Julie and Julia 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen|Julie Powell|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1166572517s/13747.jpg|3338312], but also because I love memoirs written by people who’ve done amazing things. I didn’t grow up watching Julia Child on TV and I barely knew who she was before reading/watching Julie & Julia, but now that I’ve read [b:My Life in France|5084|My Life in France|Julia Child|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1320415962s/5084.jpg|1602216] I definitely want to know MORE.She had such a vivacious personality! It comes out in full force in her book, so much so that I could almost hear her voice as I read about her learning how to cook at the Cordon Bleu or testing a million different variations of the same recipe for her opus, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. She was a tough lady who worked hard to accomplish her goals, but the way she tells it, her success was practically accidental. Ha! Nobody who could survive learning to cook with a half dozen salty old military dudes, moving from country to country, writing an entire cookbook basically by hand for what seemed like a million years, and dealing with aggrivating naysayers ever got her success by accident.Read the rest of my review at Here There Be Books.