Here There Be Books (BL)

I love books with great characters who go on adventures and/or solve mysteries re: invading aliens/vampires/etc. I blog about those books at Here There Be Books!


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Half Magic

Half Magic -  'N. M. Bodecker (Illustrator)', 'Edward Eager' This isn’t my favorite [a:Edward Eager|131683|Edward Eager|] book, but it’s the only one I have so far. So! [b:Half Magic|225038|Half Magic (Tales of Magic, #1)|Edward Eager||1441544] is a cute book, though not without its 1950s problems of light racism/sexism. The girls are all preteen housewives, and there’s a semi-uncomfortable scene with the kids and an Arabian villain. However! There’s ALSO another scene where Katherine turns herself into a knight and kicks Lancelot1 in the rear during a tournament. So it kinda balances out!I also really adore the little romance between the kids’ mother and the not-terrible adult man who help them untwist their problems. Plus, happy ending! Yay!There’s seven books in this series but I think they all have different kids in them– so if you hated these kids, you aren’t stuck with them for long. What I really want to read is the Edward Eager book I meant to buy when I bought Half Magic. It wasn’t in the store back then, and it’s been SO long since that time that I can no longer remember wtf the book I wanted IS. Maybe it was [b:Magic or Not|312080|Magic or Not? (Tales of Magic, #5)|Edward Eager||824544]? That sounds familiar. Le sigh.This review was originally posted here at my blog.

Currently reading

The Kingdom of Little Wounds
Susann Cokal
Progress: 92/576 pages
The Glass Demon
Helen Grant
Progress: 10/305 pages
The Secret Life of Houdini: The Making of America's First Superhero
William Kalush, Larry Sloman
The Silver Chair
C.S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes
Angel Lawson
Countdown City
Ben H. Winters
Rags & Bones: New Twists on Timeless Tales
Holly Black, Kelley Armstrong, Rick Yancey, Neil Gaiman, Carrie Ryan, Saladin Ahmed, Melissa Marr, Margaret Stohl, Kami Garcia, Tim Pratt, Gene Wolfe, Garth Nix, Charles Vess
Nicola Griffith
The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic