This isn’t my favorite [a:Edward Eager|131683|Edward Eager|] book, but it’s the only one I have so far. So! [b:Half Magic|225038|Half Magic (Tales of Magic, #1)|Edward Eager||1441544] is a cute book, though not without its 1950s problems of light racism/sexism. The girls are all preteen housewives, and there’s a semi-uncomfortable scene with the kids and an Arabian villain. However! There’s ALSO another scene where Katherine turns herself into a knight and kicks Lancelot1 in the rear during a tournament. So it kinda balances out!I also really adore the little romance between the kids’ mother and the not-terrible adult man who help them untwist their problems. Plus, happy ending! Yay!There’s seven books in this series but I think they all have different kids in them– so if you hated these kids, you aren’t stuck with them for long. What I really want to read is the Edward Eager book I meant to buy when I bought Half Magic. It wasn’t in the store back then, and it’s been SO long since that time that I can no longer remember wtf the book I wanted IS. Maybe it was [b:Magic or Not|312080|Magic or Not? (Tales of Magic, #5)|Edward Eager||824544]? That sounds familiar. Le sigh.This review was originally posted here at my blog.