My second [a:Andre Norton|4766|Andre Norton|] book! Unfortunately, I didn't really like it. It's sci-fi, which is what she's famous for, so that's good. There's time travel! I like time travel, generally. And there's also aliens(?) and lots of Cold War stuff, which can both be interesting.[2. especially if you're interested in xenophobia and social movements and whatnot.] However! Despite all the good stuff, I just couldn't get into this book. I think my main problem was that even though it's set roughly 60+ years into the future from when it was written, it's all "RUSSIA IS EVIL AND OUT TO GET US." Which fits with the time period it was written in! And I can see why someone who was living back then would think that Russia was still a major threat way into the future. But. Er. From my perspective, now, it just seems kinda overblown and silly.Read the rest of my review at Birdbrain(ed) Book Blog!